Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Okay I am way behind... but who knew that when you quit your job to do Advocare and run some boot camps you would still not have time to do the laundry?  Yes it sits on our couch today...

I have "grown up" this month.  Had many victories and stretched myself a bunch.  One of my victories was coming in first place at the Crossfit Laredo Games.  Robert also placed second and Howard Little third.  It was a great weekend for all to enjoyed!  We also took a team to the Life as RX Tour in Dallas last weekend.  Carpe Verendum placed 19 out of 88 teams!!  Way to go Robert Hartgrove, Howard Little, Jeff Merry, Kerri Carver and me!  The other Crossfit Texas team also did a great job.  They had intentions of scaling the work outs and when they got there they went the full RX!!  What a great way to push yourself beyond the limit you thought you had!!!

My greatest victory was starting up the boot camps.  I truly didn't know how rewarding it would be to train and encourage people to do things they didn't know their bodies could do.  I have two boot camps, one that meets twice a week and one that meets once a week.  I even have a participant that is one person shy of starting another group that will meet three times a week!!!  She has really put me to work, but how awesome is that!  Her desire for physical fitness is contagious!!!

Robert and I are finishing out our Advocare pay period tonight... We have been truly blessed to be a part of the Holcomb's Team Intensity!  They have encouraged us, challenged us, and pushed us beyond our comfort zone.  With that I look up and know that we will hit Ruby this pay period.  If enough of our team stretches and challenges themselves today... we will look up and be Emerald (yes I am crying)!  Who knew that we were capable of that?  I honestly believe that others will believe in you before you can believe in yourself.  I may not have all the answers, but I have confidence!  Confidence will allow me to humble myself to find you an answer, to challenge you to not quit, don't give up because today's the last day, do one more rep, call that person on your list you didn't hear back from last week. 

So today the laundry will stay on the couch, I will call and stretch and make myself vulnerable and uncomfortable because someone believed I am Emerald!  If you don't understand what I'm talking about, call me and I will share with confidence what that means for me and my family and what it could mean for you.  Because ANYONE can be Emerald, they just have to have someone to believe in them enough till they can believe it themselves!!!

And tomorrow my oldest son turns 9!  Happy Birthday Brett!  I am so greatful that you have allowed Mom and Dad to stretch and grow this month... I have worked hard for you so that we can take you and Tyler to Atlantis!!  We will know for sure Friday!  Happy birthday son!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

I'm Bored...

Today I got to go back to "work" for a great boot camp time with some of those hard working ladies.  They did a great job and worked hard in that heat!!  While we were there Tyler was "bored"!  Okay so I'm not working but now I'm working with children who are bored and need entertainment please, while you work.  Any suggestions?

The boot camp ladies had a great idea... water guns!!  Think they were hot?  So now we will be checking out what we can do to keep entertained while mom works. 

I will be starting a boot camp at 6:00 p.m. in Hutto on Tuesday's and Thursday's at Ray Elementary.  I plan to start them in August... If you're interested sign up at www.crossfittx.com.  More info on Face Book to come.  At least at that facility there will be a nice playground for the kids to play on.

Other than "entertaining" children... today was a very busy day for mom.  I did get a 20 minute nap in since Brett forgot his swim suit.  I was secretly happy we didn't make it to the pool for that reason.

I had the classes at CrossFit Texas tonight.  Y'all all did a great job!  I was super impressed with how each of you pushed yourselves to the point that some wanted to stop... but you didn't!  You accomplished in 10 minutes or less what others can't do in an hour!!  If you continue to work hard at your goals you will get results... today the result was not receiving a DNF (did not finish).  Tomorrow you may get your first pull-up or hand stand push-up.  Until then... we work hard, we can slow down but we never stop!!  Because then we would be bored and need something to do while we catch our breath.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It's a learning process

Okay... so today was so busy I didn't have time to sit for 5 minutes!!  The day began when I thought I was late for my first date with the kiddo's in the garden.  We had a great time at "Ahah's House" (yep that's me... that's my name for my nieces and nephews).  After our garden guests and some house work, I made lunch, then off to the pool, 24 Day Measurements for the last day of the challenge where Nicole lost 4.75 inches and 2 pounds (she didn't have much to loose in the first place).  Way to go Nicole!!  Keep up the great work!!  Then to Tae Kwon Do and CrossFit Texas for the WOD.  Lauren did a great job coaching tonight!!  Did you know she also hosts a boot camp in Falcon Pointe at 5:30 a.m on Tuesday's and Thursday's?  Ask me more about it if you're interested.

Soon y'all will realize I'm pretty boring... hee hee hee.  Lesson of the day:  I've always heard "you never know who's watching you".  I found myself getting onto my oldest son a lot today... but realized that he was portraying the same attitude I was showing, impatience.  Ouch!!  But it is going to take us time "a learning process" to get down our daily routine as well as our quirks and annoyances.  (NO I'm not calling my kids annoying... they seem to annoy each other more than they annoy me.  Which in and of itself is annoying.)

So when you find others around you acting a certain way... check yourself, then give a gift...  Smile!!  Encourage each other!  You never know who's attitude is just a reflection of the image they see.

Friday, July 1, 2011

First Day "On" The Job

Well... Today was my official first day "on" the job.  It was a busy one! 

It began by sleeping in... well 7:30 a.m. to me is considered sleeping in... not sure about you.  We (yes me and my two boys) headed to the gym around 8:30 a.m. where I had a client who had amazing results on her 24 Day Challenge and now continuing with products she is now down another 8 pounds with her first month at CrossFit Texas!!!  Keep up the great work Becky, you're a rockstar!!!

I then coached the 9:30 a.m. class.  Y'all were awesome and I appreciate everyone being patient with me.  It was nice to meet the new folks as well as hug the necks of others who I hadn't seen in a while.

I then had a second body fat analysis with a dear friend who has lost now 16 pounds since the beginning of her 24 Day Challenge.  We discussed goals and nutrition on the Zone Diet.  Keep up the great work Stacey!

I finished my time at CrossFit Texas with two ladies who I have come to love, adore and push hard to try and get ahead of or at least next to in the daily "Work-out Of the Day" or WOD.  We had a great WOD of 13 pull ups, 25 deadlifts (95 lbs), 25 push-ups, 25 box jumps (20 inch), 25 floor wipers (95 lbs), 25 KB clean and press (25 lb) and 12 pull ups.  All in 5 minutes and 34 seconds!!

Finished the day with a great time at the pool with friends and sun!  Home for a short nap and setting up appointments for tomorrow!!  Ready for the CrossFit Leander WOD in the morning with their Challenge Kick Off afterwards.  The day will finish with an awesome little boy's 4th Birthday Party!!! 

It will be a great Saturday!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

There's No Place Like Home....

Here we go... the journey has begun!!  Well... I guess it started in March of 2009 but I had no intention of quitting a job with the State of Texas to pursue helping others in their journey to health and wellness.

If you've been around me you've heard my story and could probably repeat it to me better than I could share it here...  But one of my best friends was getting married and I knew with out a doubt that we would be wearing strapless dresses.  I told my husband that if he could get my arms defined then I would go back to being a blonde.  I guess I didn't realize how much he liked the blonde!!

I began CrossFit on March 29, 2009 I know the date because the workout was "Murph"!  I finished in 60 minutes (not prescribed obviously) but I FINISHED!!!  And that was it... I was hooked like a fish who completely swallowed the entire lure.  By adding AdvoCare into my new love of CrossFit Training I found myself in a size 2 from a size 12.  I had only lost about 14 pounds... but that's one of my favorite things.  I'm not on the scale worried about every pound... if anything I'm more concerned when my pants are a little tight.

The love of CrossFit quickly increased my love for AdvoCare.  So much so that AdvoCare has "supplemented" my State income so that I can come home.  This means I can host boot camps and help others obtain their goals of physical fitness, weight loss, increased energy and financial freedom.  So here we go... I've put in my notice at the State and plan to continue sharing the fantastic AdvoCare products with you!

I hope you will all enjoy taking this journey with me as I could have NEVER have made it this far without each of you!!

God Bless,