Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It's a learning process

Okay... so today was so busy I didn't have time to sit for 5 minutes!!  The day began when I thought I was late for my first date with the kiddo's in the garden.  We had a great time at "Ahah's House" (yep that's me... that's my name for my nieces and nephews).  After our garden guests and some house work, I made lunch, then off to the pool, 24 Day Measurements for the last day of the challenge where Nicole lost 4.75 inches and 2 pounds (she didn't have much to loose in the first place).  Way to go Nicole!!  Keep up the great work!!  Then to Tae Kwon Do and CrossFit Texas for the WOD.  Lauren did a great job coaching tonight!!  Did you know she also hosts a boot camp in Falcon Pointe at 5:30 a.m on Tuesday's and Thursday's?  Ask me more about it if you're interested.

Soon y'all will realize I'm pretty boring... hee hee hee.  Lesson of the day:  I've always heard "you never know who's watching you".  I found myself getting onto my oldest son a lot today... but realized that he was portraying the same attitude I was showing, impatience.  Ouch!!  But it is going to take us time "a learning process" to get down our daily routine as well as our quirks and annoyances.  (NO I'm not calling my kids annoying... they seem to annoy each other more than they annoy me.  Which in and of itself is annoying.)

So when you find others around you acting a certain way... check yourself, then give a gift...  Smile!!  Encourage each other!  You never know who's attitude is just a reflection of the image they see.

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